
The Asia-Europe 5 -exhibition presents works from 36 artists
from Asia and Europe. The works have been made with various
techniques out of textiles and paper materials using a contemporary approach. The exhibition highlights different cultural and
original ways in which fibrous materials and textile traditions can
be used and utilized. The exhibition features several sculptural
pieces made of everyday materials that have been manipulated
and used in surprising ways. This experimental approach invites
not only visual expression but also evokes questions about the
value of materials and their endless possibilities and significance.

The fifth Asia-Europe exhibition series launched in Kouvola
will continue in 2022 to Belgium, Germany and Denmark. The
exhibition series was started by artist Erny Piret in 2009. Her
goal was to showcase the diverse and rich works by European
and Asian textile artists who have different cultural backgrounds.
The Asia-Europe 5 -exhibition has been curated by Marika Szaraz
and Raija Jokinen.

Updated 1.8.2022